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From the Chair 

3 December 2024: International Day of Disabled Persons with Disabilities

The theme for this year’s UN International Day of Disabled Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is:


“amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future”


This theme strongly resonates with me on a personal level. The background to the day talks about the internationally recognised slogan attributed to the disabled community, “Nothing About Us Without Us" which calls for people with disabilities to actively shape the conditions of their lives.


In 2024, this mantra has been true in my own personal life as I have had some unexpected health issues resulting in months of hospitalisation followed by months more time spent receiving care in a rest home.

I have been very fortunate that I have had people who have spoken on my behalf when I was unable to and to generally  support me. But as strong a voice as I might have and as able as I might be, it has not always been easy to get people to hear me, let alone listen to me. I have often been told and I firmly believe that nobody knows me better than I know myself.


This International Day of Disabled Persons with Disabilities, let us use our strongest voices to determine our own destinies.


What’s happening in your community this IDPD? Let us know.

September 2024


It doesn't seem all that long ago that there was a call for greater coverage of the Paralympic Games. Judging by the coverage of the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games, that call appears to have been answered.

Starting with full live coverage of the Opening Ceremony, live coverage of most heats involving New Zealand competitors and all finals, the coverage has been complemented with the knowledgeable input of retired Paralympian, Dame Sophie Pascoe who has been co-hosting the nightly coverage.

Interviews with Kiwi Paralympians before and after competing has given the opportunity to get to know some of our team members, especially the new ones, and expert contributions from former paralympians such as Kate Horan has added to the interest and enjoyment of the coverage. Have we finally come of age?

At the time of writing (4 September), New Zealand had won 3 silver and 3 bronze medals.

December 2023

I'm not sure if I can blame my disability or if it’s age-related (I did have a milestone birthday this year), but I have spent some time in hospital recently (I am still there as at the time of writing and publishing this column). Spending more time in hospital has become my new norm which I last experienced during my childhood. Not to worry, I am on the mend and plan to be well for Christmas.


That means some stories that I would have researched and written have gone untouched. Some of the subjects for those stories will go on holiday shortly, but I will be looking for stories and information of interest and guide readers over the coming holiday season.


In the meantime, may you all have a very happy Christmas and best wishes for the coming new year, 2024.

John Wolk 

Editor At Large


October 2023

It’s less than a week now until the General Election. This week we posted the disability policies of many of the parties and in many cases, the profiles of the parties the disability spokespeople.


I am truly blown away by the reaction of readers to what we have provided. I started today, Saturday morning one week before election day with the news that the website has been visited by hundreds of views.


What this says is that people with disabilities are interested in the election and what the various parties competing for election are offering us if they get elected.


I wonder if the politicians understand that and might start taking us seriously and engage with us directly in future.

John Wolk 

Editor At Large


September 2023

With the General Election some weeks away, it is interesting to listen to what the commentators are focussed on. And no matter who you listen to or what you read, the top themes of conversation have been around diversity or marginalised or minority groups.


Interestingly, those conversations have mainly focussed the numbers of women candidates or women in the top of party lists, or the number of Māori candidates on party lists. Nowhere has there been any mention of disabled people. Why is that? In our search of party lists, we have only found one party with a disabled candidate and we will bring you an interview with him shortly, but why are we not represented on candidate lists?

Without Limits has reached out to a number of the parties contesting the election asking for their disability policies and profiles of their disability spokespeople and we also asked the a set of questions to gauge each party’s level of understanding of disability. We will publish that information in the lead up to the election.

John Wolk 

Editor At Large



March 2023

The Beginning of a New Era of Without Limits

This year, 2023, marks a significant milestone for Without Limits as we return after a seven year hiatus.  In August this year, it will be twenty years since the first ever issue of the magazine was published. We will look back at the magazine in future instalments, but for now, in case you were wondering what happened to the magazine, let me explain a little of what happened…


In mid-2015, I became very ill which saw me hospitalised for many months.  With nobody to take up the role of editor, the magazine went into recess.  After three months in hospital, I spent eight months in rehab.  On discharge from rehab I started looking into how I could resurrect the magazine, quickly discovering that continuing to produce a print magazine was unsustainable.  Until recently, it didn't look as if I could do anything and then a new opportunity presented itself, and here we are.


It is an evolving process which I hope will result in a variety of different offerings. I am grateful for the support I have received from people who recognise my passions and are willing to help me bring them to reality.


A lot has happened in the disability sector and the wider community that have an impact on the disabled community and I look forward to keeping you informed with commentary and articles on events and happenings of interest.


In this first instalment of Without Limits, we introduce you to the new Minister for Disability Issues, Priyanca Radhakrishnan and farewell Sir Murray Halberg. 

John Wolk 

Editor At Large

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